Nervous System Reset And Fertility

Optimize your overall egg quality. Together let’s find solutions, techniques, and information. We’re inundated in the market with lots of information about diet, targeted supplements, meditation, yoga, and sound therapy.  So much stuff! I’m here to share with you what you maybe haven’t encountered in the world of light therapy, phototherapy, and how we can…

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The Role of Light Therapy In Improving Egg Quality

Is it possible to improve egg quality?  If so, then how? These are the questions that when last I checked, 1 in 8 couples are asking themselves. That is a lot of couples.  Whether you are 33 years young and have been TTC for years or 44 years young and just getting started, what can…

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What is Phototherapy?

What is Phototherapy? Are you confused about Light Therapy and all the different names associated with it? You are not alone. From what I hear, most people want to know about the benefits of light and are totally confused about the differences between Saunas, Lasers, Light bulbs, SAD boxes and everything else! Let me try…

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Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About

“It is more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than to know what sort of disease has a patient” – William Osler, M.D Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About What Do We Define As A Toxin? It’s easy to think of a toxin basically as a poison that…

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Improving Your Egg Quality- Yes You Can!

“My mother always told me that inaction is not an option. And neither is going it alone” Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Global Women’s Rights Leader, Executive Director of UN Women      If you are reading this then please know that you can both take action to improve your egg quality and most importantly, you are not…

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Does N.O = Qi? Nitric Oxide Can Be Defined as Qi

This article, authored by Jennifer Waters, L.Ac, was published in the Oriental Medicine Journal® Earth/Late Summer 2018 • Vol. 26, No. 5 AS Oriental Medicine practitioners, we are continually facing the choice between traditional practices and modern technology. What are actual improvements versus the next new marketing wave intended to sell us on the irrelevant?…

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Detoxing Your Body With Oil Pulling

Nick Polizzi, the founder of The Sacred Science, shared with us this great information on the ancient practice of oil pulling and how it can be used for detoxification. For more information, please go to 3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India. Vedic folk healers learned that…

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Inner Clear DETOX NOW

If you have never tried our signature detox offering, the Inner Clear Detox, what are you waiting for?  This effective combination of Acupuncture Rife and LED Light with the Ionic FootBath will leave you feeling clearer, lighter and more energized. What is Light Therapy: Photobiomodulation? A great resource for Light Therapy information,, states that…

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The Different Colors of LED Light Therapy

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.17.4″ text_font_size=”16px” header_3_font=”Quicksand||||||||” header_3_text_color=”#351c4d”] The Different Colors of LED Light Therapy Light seems to demonstrate a strong relationship with the proteins of the body and these proteins can be specifically activated by certain wavelengths (colors) due to their absorption characteristics. When the body is exposed to certain wavelengths, we can shift the…

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Benefits of LED Light Therapy for Animals by Jennifer Waters

Similar to the origins of light therapy for humans, low-level laser treatment (LLLT) was the initial method of treatment on animals. Recently, research has proven that LEDs are just as effective as lasers because of their ability to deliver the same wavelength and intensity of light photons. So, why does this matter? Well, laser equipment…

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