LED Light Therapy

Light is the most powerful way to stimulate your natural ability to heal. The team at Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. offers LED light therapy as one of our many wellness services.

baby light

What is LED Light Therapy?

For many years, scientists have understood that light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can promote healing. By directing focused light to a part of the body, LED light therapy stimulates a process known as photobiomodulation (PBM):

  • Photo: Light
  • Bio: Biology
  • Modulate: Adjust or Influence

The photons emitted from LED lights, in the form of low-level lasers, induce a photochemical reaction. In the same way that sunlight penetrates our skin to generate Vitamin D, LED light encourages healing at the cellular level. LED light therapy usually uses red and blue wavelengths, which don’t contain ultraviolet light potentially harmful to the skin. Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., works with clients one-on-one to determine the best plan for addressing health concerns and removing obstacles to healing. Our LED Light Therapy services include:

  • Product sales: You can purchase an LED therapy unit for a lifetime of use.
  • Rentals: If you’d prefer to use an Inlight Therapy system for just a week or two, you can rent a device.
  • Therapy sessions: You can also schedule a one-on-one light therapy session at our office.

Inlight Therapy Systems

At Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., we use and recommend the devices produced by Inlight Therapy. Unlike LED therapy devices that employ just one color or wavelength, Inlight Therapy Polychromatic Light Therapy systems use a combination of red and near-infrared light. Different LED light colors have different penetration depths, affecting the body in unique ways, including:

  • Improving circulation
  • Decreasing pain
  • Supporting the body’s natural healing processes

Family-owned and operated for four decades, Inlight Therapy has helped people all over the world, shipping thousands of LED systems each year.


Inlight Therapy Systems

At Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., we use and recommend the devices produced by Inlight Therapy. Unlike LED therapy devices that employ just one color or wavelength, Inlight Therapy Polychromatic Light Therapy systems use a combination of red and near-infrared light. Different LED light colors have different penetration depths, affecting the body in unique ways, including:

  • Improving circulation
  • Decreasing pain
  • Supporting the body’s natural healing processes

Family-owned and operated for four decades, Inlight Therapy has helped people all over the world, shipping thousands of LED systems each year.


Benefits Of Inlight Therapy Products

There is a growing body of research around light therapy and the industry is rapidly developing. We choose to work with Inlight Therapy because of the company’s extensive experience and commitment to quality manufacturing. Benefits of Inlight Therapy products include:

  • System packages are safe, simple to operate, and ready to use out of the box – no assembly required.
  • Products are FDA-approved Class II Medical Devices.
  • Each system uses Inlight Therapy’s Proprietary Progressive Multi-Pulse Technology.
  • All products are engineered and designed in the USA.


Phototherapy patches are a wearable technology designed to create specific biochemical changes in your body. They are easy to apply to the skin (like a bandaid) and are worn for a few hours at a time.

LED light therapy is a pad-based system. The LED light wavelengths increase your nitric oxide levels to help improve circulation, decrease pain, and reduce inflammation.

Visit Inlight Therapy to learn about their LED light pads and systems. You can also visit PubMed to read peer-reviewed studies on LED light therapy treatment for specific conditions and issues.

  • LED: Light-emitting diodes
  • PLT: Polychromatic (multi-colored) light therapy
  • PBM: Photobiomodulation
  • Phototherapy patches: Temporary wearable patches

If you have a history of seizures or active cancer, do not use LED light directly over your eyes or an active cancer site. Otherwise, there are no contraindications. We use LED light to reduce inflammation and increase circulation, not to treat any specific medical condition.

Visit LifeWave for information on patches and the science behind their patents.

Please contact us to purchase an LED Light Therapy device.

Contact us to learn how to become a Preferred Customer to receive wholesale pricing and free patches each month for a nominal fee.

There is a 90-day, no-risk, 100% money-back guarantee for patches purchased directly from LifeWave.

Inlight Therapy provides a 30-day cancellation period on any unit purchased.

Simply join our team.  To get started, schedule a complimentary phone consultation with Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.

Light activates biochemical changes, even if you don’t feel anything. Some notice the effects right away, for others, it takes longer. Be sure to drink plenty of water as light therapy is most effective when you are hydrated.

Have Additional Questions?

Get in Touch with Jennifer Waters, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.
