Fertility Continued: Just What Is The Spark of Light?
Most people agree that we are both biochemical and bioelectrical beings. Nutrition is the foundation for our biochemistry.
The nutrient dense food that we eat provides our body with key nutrients which allows for the bioelectrical capacity and conductivity. Modalities such as acupuncture address the bioelectrical aspect of our bodies which is generally associated with the nervous system.
For the first time in 2016, scientists captured images of the flash of light that sparks twice during the in vitro fertilization (IVF) journey. First, at the very moment a human sperm cell makes contact with an egg. This is referred to as a zinc spark. Next, when an embryo is transferred into its uterine home, there is another spark of light. Both of these critical stages of life teach us that the bioelectrical aspect of life is just as important as the biochemical. We are both biochemical and bioelectric beings.
As a Certified Light Therapist, I started to wonder about this spark of light. We know that our DNA emits light but how is it possible that we see zinc light twice during the IVF journey? Zinc is an essential mineral in the body, it’s not exactly light. What I would like to propose is that it is possible that what we are seeing is the result of zinc and other trace minerals providing the opportunity for the electrical side of our beings to take form. Obviously, we can agree that we do not see minerals we see light. Zinc is possibly the reason that they are able to measure the amount of light coming from an embryo. And minerals are the way to keep the spark of light on!
Do you remember in Mark’s presentation about carbamide? What happened when sodium was placed in the water with carbamide? Instantly, we were able to see electrical capacity only after sodium was added to the water. We see light as a result of the minerals, not the other way around. When an embryo is created, either naturally or via IVF, the electrical blueprint for what we call acupuncture meridians are already present within the cellular structure. We know, thanks to the work of Dr. Paul Nogier, that the layers of the cell–ecto-endo-mesoder–each have their inherent frequency and evolve into acupuncture meridians in the body. This is the bioelectrical foundation within us. In order for electricity to run optimally within our tissues and support endocrine function, zinc and all trace minerals must be present.
When we look at the Standard Process Ovex formulation, which would be one of the key items if preparing for either an egg retrieval or successful IVF transfer, it is a source of the enzyme phosphatase for calcium assimilation. When I took a deeper look into the zinc spark discovery, I found that, according to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the enzyme alkaline phosphatase is entirely zinc dependent.
The spark of life presents itself twice during the IVF journey: when the embryo is formed, i.e. the sperm enters the egg, and again at the moment of the embryo transfer. This spark of life must be a reflection of zinc in the body. We know that no mineral stands alone so it is simply the one that stands up for the team.
According to a news report from the CBC of Canada, “the size of the zinc spark is a direct reflection of the egg’s quality and ability to grow into a viable embryo.” This is so interesting me to because we know that zinc is an essential trace mineral which supports the endocrine function as well as perhaps the most essential component in making female sex hormones.
It is doubtful that the practice of measuring the size of the spark would ever become commonplace as a way to determine egg quality or embryo viability because by the time the spark appears, it’s too late! So let’s rely on some common sense understanding of the importance of zinc and all minerals in the body. Absorbing the correct micronutrients and activating our inherent bioelectrical system with light will only create more light.
Photobiomodulation (PBM therapy), a technique by which light is used to stimulate living things into healing themselves, is also known as low-level light therapy and red-light therapy. PBM is one of the best means we know of to accelerate the bodies innate ability to heal, regardless of the imbalances.
And for a quick at-home and in-office zinc test, Standard Process offers their Zinc Test product. Simply put, if it tastes awful you don’t need zinc. If you find it tasteless, you are deficient. Naturally, there are stages in between which your healthcare practitioner can help guide you to understand.
Images from iStock/AntonioGuillem (main), frentusha(sperm and egg), HT Ganzo (zinc).
For more information, contact Jennifer Waters, L.Ac. @ www.JenniferWaters.net or [email protected]