Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About

“It is more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than to know what sort of disease has a patient” – William Osler, M.D Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About What Do We Define As A Toxin? It’s easy to think of a toxin basically as a poison that…

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A Date to Detox?

I am not talking about scheduling something on your calendar! This is the actual fruit that you can easily add into your diet to begin giving your Liver the glucose it needs to repair. I love Anthony William’s recipes because they are for the most part, very easy to follow! While dates are a perfect,…

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Detoxing Your Body With Oil Pulling

Nick Polizzi, the founder of The Sacred Science, shared with us this great information on the ancient practice of oil pulling and how it can be used for detoxification. For more information, please go to 3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India. Vedic folk healers learned that…

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Inner Clear DETOX NOW

If you have never tried our signature detox offering, the Inner Clear Detox, what are you waiting for?  This effective combination of Acupuncture Rife and LED Light with the Ionic FootBath will leave you feeling clearer, lighter and more energized. What is Light Therapy: Photobiomodulation? A great resource for Light Therapy information,, states that…

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Heavy Metal Detox

Dr. Axe has put together a comprehensive, easy to follow guide to how to detox heavy metals and why. Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity (also called heavy metal poisoning) is now considered to be a problem that millions of people deal with. (1) Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed…

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Daily Detox

1. Drink hot lemon water first thing or all day long. Kick-start the detoxing process first thing in the morning by drinking a cup of warm water with lemon and cayenne. You can add sweetener such as maple syrup if you desire. Maple Syrup is loaded with minerals and does not spike your glycemic index.…

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