Two Weeks to Detox 2020

  The holidays can be a wonderful, loving and joyous time of year.  Lots of cheer, laughter and plenty of tasty food. As much as we enjoy our celebratory meals, some of our menu items may have left us with more than feelings of festive contentment.  Unfortunately, in much of our food there are harmful…

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Fat Oleation

What does it mean to oleate? It means to use any kind of oil or fat, such as *ghee to lubricate and prepare impurities to be removed from deep within the gastrointestinal tract. This healing and nourishing practice also draws heavy metals and toxins toward the digestive tract to be flushed from the body. For…

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Fall to Winter Transition

The dark season of Winter is the most beneficial to deepen the stillness within that is always there-just beneath the surface of a very busy mind.  It’s also a great time to detox out whatever may have accumulated during the Fall. Winter is the time to be still, meditate, sweat more, and replenish our adrenal…

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Prevent disease by clearing out internal heat!

This dietary preparation for Winter comes directly from John Doulliard DC, author and director of It makes sense that late summer is the time when we have acummulated the most heat internally and that we need to actually clear out some of this accumulative heat before winter begins. Dr. Doulliard says, “If we do no-the heat…

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Do Oil and Light Really Mix? Find out

Do you feel the benefits of the traditional practices are enhanced by modern technology? If anyone has any thoughts on this matter, please LET ME KNOW!!  Here is one scenario:  Will the benefits received from doing a castor oil pack be enhanced by using LED Light Therapy over the pack?  Here is the how, why…

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Heavy Metal Detox Protocol

Barley grass juice extract powder: 1-2 tsp. daily mixed into water or juice. Draws out heavy metals from your spleen, intestinal tract,pancreas and reproductive system. Barley grass juice extract powderprepares the mercury for complete absorption by the spirulina.Spirulina (preferably from Hawaii): 2 tsp. mixed in water, coconutwater or juice. Draws out heavy metals from your…

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The Different Colors of LED Light Therapy

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.17.4″ text_font_size=”16px” header_3_font=”Quicksand||||||||” header_3_text_color=”#351c4d”] The Different Colors of LED Light Therapy Light seems to demonstrate a strong relationship with the proteins of the body and these proteins can be specifically activated by certain wavelengths (colors) due to their absorption characteristics. When the body is exposed to certain wavelengths, we can shift the…

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