Endometriosis And Urinary Tract Infections

Endometriosis And Urinary Tract Infections   If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis and you have to “pee all the time”, there is one common cause you probably haven’t considered.   Pubic Symphysis.   What do endometriosis and incontinence have in common? The location of your uterus of course!! Ladies, the uterus is your universe.…

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Optimizing Your Egg Quality

It may be common knowledge that women are born with all of the egg cells they will ever have, but what some may not realize is that how women treat their bodies can impact the quality of their eggs over time. As such, there are measures one can take to protect the quality of their…

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SIBO: May Not Be What You Think!

If you are reading this, then you most likely already know what SIBO is. Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth. Sounds serious, right?  I believe that it is serious and if you’ve been diagnosed with it, it’s certainly a pressing issue for you. Here is the main problem- there is a lot of conflicting information available on…

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The Role of Light Therapy In Improving Egg Quality

Is it possible to improve egg quality?  If so, then how? These are the questions that when last I checked, 1 in 8 couples are asking themselves. That is a lot of couples.  Whether you are 33 years young and have been TTC for years or 44 years young and just getting started, what can…

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Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About

“It is more important to know what sort of patient has a disease than to know what sort of disease has a patient” – William Osler, M.D Adrenaline Is a Hormonal Toxin You Rarely Think About What Do We Define As A Toxin? It’s easy to think of a toxin basically as a poison that…

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Ending Amenorrhea and Building Your Blood/Uterine Lining

Amenorrhea You may have been diagnosed with anemia or you may just have scanty, light periods. Either way, this is part of the “PALE’ category of your Fertility Type.  We are the connection between Heaven and Earth. We sit in between and your health will improve when you create the right circumstances. Chinese medicine calls…

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Anti-Covid 19 Words from the Wise

Words really matter. If we all put the word “anti” in front of every disease and epidemic we would like to end, the world may be a better place. And our intentions, also known as requests, would also be clarified. Instead of always focusing on what we don’t want, why don’t we start focusing on…

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Ways to increase your Cervical Mucus

From Rosita Arvigo, founder of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Tradition ATMAT), we have learned the age-old tradition of HERBAL VAGINAL STEAMING, now also known as Perineal Hydrotherapy. The fact is, you may have plenty of cervical it just needs to be invited down. Vagi-steaming is a perfect invitation. Vaginal steam baths, or…

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