Ways to increase your Cervical Mucus

From Rosita Arvigo, founder of the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy Tradition ATMAT), we have learned the age-old tradition of HERBAL VAGINAL STEAMING, now also known as Perineal Hydrotherapy. The fact is, you may have plenty of cervical it just needs to be invited down. Vagi-steaming is a perfect invitation.

Vaginal steam baths, or “Bajos” (ba-hoes), as they are known in Spanish, are used to assist in the cleansing of the uterus in conjunction with the Arvigo Therapy for the treatment of numerous female symptoms.

PLANTS: The most commonly used are marigold, oregano, basil, rosemary, motherwort, St. John’s wort, chamomile, damiana, red clover, dandelion, yellow dock, squaw vine, horsetail, Mexican wormseed (epazote).

DIRECTIONS:  This is if you are doing this *at home.Collect plants using prayer and a clear intention of healing. If using fresh plant; about 1 quart, if using dry; about a cup.

In a large pot containing about a gallon of water, place the above plants. Crush the herbs into the water thanking them for helping with your healing.

Offer prayers nine times. These prayers can be whatever Spirit offers you guidance; Goddess, Jesus, Christ, God, Mother Earth, Father in Heaven, etc.) It is the Prayer, faith and the Intention that is important.

Bring this to a soft boil for 5 minutes; then steep for 10 minutes with the lid on.  With the pot under a slatted chair, lawn chair, etc., sit on the chair without underwear.

Wear socks to keep your feet warm, draping fully with a blanket around your waist to the floor. Be careful not to allow any draft underneath you. Be sure you are enclosed by the blankets from the waist down, and something warm from the waist up.

Sitting quietly over your pot of herbal steam for 20 minutes, meditate, read, enjoy and find pleasure in the herbal healing. The heat should feel warm and pleasant. If it is too warm, remove the pot for a few minutes.

After the vaginal steam bath, wrap yourself in the blanket allowing a time of rest and meditation for about 20 minutes or so. Be careful not to allow cool drafts and temperature changes.

Depending upon the condition you are treating, vaginal steam baths are done prior to menses or just after. Expect changes in your vaginal discharge and menstruation; these are normal cleansing reactions.

Inform your practitioner if you have any unusual discharge or response to this treatment. 

* You can also find a practitioner in your area who offers them and/or purchase your very own steaming unti from www.ShaktiSpa.com (check this link to confirm it works) . Schedule an appointment at Life Source Acupuncture with Jennifer or Tedra to try this powerful modality.

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