When All Else Fails

When All Else Fails I want to take a few moments to honor the struggles that everyone’s been going through. I know it’s been a very challenging time. I receive a lot of emails and texts from people that are feeling at their wit’s ends. I want to let you know that you’re not alone.…

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Detoxing Your Body With Oil Pulling

Nick Polizzi, the founder of The Sacred Science, shared with us this great information on the ancient practice of oil pulling and how it can be used for detoxification. For more information, please go to http://www.thesacredscience.com 3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India. Vedic folk healers learned that…

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Mushrooms rather than anti-biotics!!

If you view the word anti-biotics as “anti-life”, you may be reluctant to include them in your wellness regime. Most especially if you are pregnant, trying to conceive and aiming to “include-life” and not repel it. I am happy to share with you this incredible product Exerpted from Myco Herb: Full Line of Nutritive Mushroms,…

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